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Fading Shadows (Our Advert) I_icon_minitimeWed May 01, 2013 9:17 pm by Kiya

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Fading Shadows (Our Advert) I_icon_minitimeWed May 01, 2013 8:54 pm by Kiya

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Fading Shadows (Our Advert) I_icon_minitimeWed May 01, 2013 5:39 pm by Kiya

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Fading Shadows (Our Advert) 168h85h

    Fading Shadows (Our Advert)


    Female Posts : 9
    Stars : 109
    Join date : 2013-04-27
    Age : 24
    Location : Somewhere. Just somewhere
    Humor : I'm not as random as you think I salad.

    Character sheet
    Crush: Cheese
    Canine Type: A wolf - European Wolf
    Mate: Cheese

    Fading Shadows (Our Advert) Empty Fading Shadows (Our Advert)

    Post  Kiya Wed May 01, 2013 8:54 pm

    Բąɖェɲց şɦąɗѳωş

    ąƈեίѵɛ || ąƈƈɛҏեίŋℊ || ɭiʈɛrɑʈɛ

    եɦɛ Ƅɛցΐɳïռց

    It all started in the year 2035. Life, and vegatation covered the territory for miles, and miles. The sun would shine brighter every day, making it hot, yet memorable. But outside the pack's home was a dump. Humanity's new technology, and the population, threatened our home. The Earth was slowly transporting into a giant dump. Slowly, shadows took over the territory, the sun barely visible. After one year, almost everything was gone.

    The year when everything was gone. When all hope was lost.

    Էɧə ρґɛşϵɳե

    But, not everything disappeared under the shadows. A small wolf pack survived. The forest is the main source of survival, because it provides deer, yet the system is broken. Everything is hunting every one. Cougars are feeding on others, even it's own species! The wolf pack still hides in the shadows, safe from danger. Yet they still have their own battles.

    The Battles of Survival.

    The seasons are harsh, and nature sometimes turns it's back on them. Welcome lass, to the Fading Shadows Pack. I am Kiya, the Elite. You can choose to walk alone, and face the dangers that Nature throws at you, or stand as one, with the others who had survived

    The Call of the Wild.

    Էɧə ԲµԷʊґɛ

    Yes, rivals, and challenges face us, but we can stand together. A special project remains. Bring back Earth. But that will require many survivors, many lovers of Earth. So, will you battle survival, in the safety of the shadows, or walk away? It is your choice, because

    Nowhere is safe.


    1 - Remaining active on both this thread and our pack site is required of our members, so members must post a minimum of once a week on both. If you need to take some time away or leave the pack, you should inform us first.

    2 - Respecting all our members equally is key, no matter what there rank in RP they are still a member of our community and deserve to be treated well. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.

    3 - Respect the Alpha's word. The Alpha is there to keep the pack in order, not to be a pain!

    4 - No swearing or inappropriate topics. We ask you limit gore and generally keep the pack clean for any young members. We aim to keep the pack at a 12PG rating.

    5 - While on this thread you should follow the WQ rules. We want this pack to have a good reputation and having numerous warnings on this thread does not make a good impact

    6 - To join this pack you must have basic literacy skills. All of our RP posts must be a minimum 200 words, be in 3rd person, past tense and with good spelling and grammar.

    7 - Unrealistic markings must be earned and purchased in the pack shop. Which is why wolves trying to join with unnatural features are automatically declined.

    8 - To join you must have 20 credible WQ posts. This is too prove that you are active. If you don't have 20 posts, feel free to become a pack friend, until you are capable to join. It is possible for the Elite to tweak the rules for you, IF you state in the section labeled, "Others" that you used to own an account with 20 posts or more.

    9 - To fully inform us that you indeed have read the rules, you must find it, hidden somewhere in the rules. It will be underlined. Please put the underlined word/phrase in the section labeled "Secret Answer". This will help you in joining.


    Date Pack was Created: April 27, 2013.
    Pack Site: {A work in progress, but feel free to check it out!} fadingshadows.rpg-board.net
    Pack Colors:[/color] ▼▲▼▲▼▲▼
    Pack Motto: Coming soon!
    Pack Theme Song: Coming soon!
    Pack Banner: Coming soon!
    Pack Button: Coming soon!
    Pack Sig: A work in progress.
    Member Count: 1


    ♀= FeMale Character
    ♂= Male Character
    ⚐=One Warning
    ⚑=Multiple Warnings
    ✮=Not Active
    EFA!= Excused for Absense


    ɛլïԷɛ - The Elites are the leaders of the pack. They are equivalent to the name 'Alphas". The Elites take care of the pack, and the territory. They make the vital decisions within the group and are wolves to be respected. A elite does not have to be the strongest wolf in the pack, but a bold attitude, piercing stare and natural ability to lead are some of the few things that define them. 1/1 = Closed

    Kiya || ♀ || ✪ || 100❦ || 500% || {BlueGuitar}

    şəƞԏïɲɛլ - The Sentinel's are wolves chosen by the elite to help run the pack, therefore they are highly trusted wolves. Characteristics of a good sentinel are clear, they must either be a physically strong wolf capable of enforcing the alpha’s rule or a mentally strong wolf, a quick thinker able to contribute vital ideas to the pack life. 0/2 Closed: Must be Earned.

    Open: Must be Earned.
    Open: Must be Earned.

    ϯУɼåŋ - The Tyran's are warrior's/guards and will protect the territory, no matter what. Normally, most guard's are strong, buff, ect. Here, the Tyran's must be agile, quick-thinkers, and own some strength. The physical structure varies in different sizes. All you must have is a heart for protection. 0/7 = Open

    Boldest Tyran- Open : Must be Earned.

    ɛլƌɛɽş - The Elders are the most wisest of the pack, and are often asked the questions. Caring, loyal, yet quite the judge, the Elders are respected greatly. They know things from the history, the "correct" reason why we're here, and more. But one thing is required to become an Elder - your character must be 7 years, or older to become an Elder. If your wolf is 7+ years, it is not required to become an Elder. 0/5 = Open

    Wisest Elder- Open: Must be Earned.

    ԷՒąѵɛլɛɼş - Travelers patrol the pack territory to not only alert the pack to dangers, survey the land but also to greet new wolves who enter our territory. They must be agile, and swift wolves with quick sense and also good judgment, able to make the decision as to whether a new wolf poses a threat or should be allowed to enter our land. 0/5 = Open

    Swiftest Traveler- Open: Must be Earned.

    Բąɳℊş - The fangs are the hunters of the pack, bringing home food when the pack is unable to hunt together. The fangs may hunt on their own, only with the Elite knowing. It is vital that the Fangs work together when hunting. An acceptable Fang must be quick, a great team worker, and a strong wolf. 0/6 = Open

    Strongest Fang- Open: Must Be Earned.

    ɖℴϲեℴ ɾş - The doctors are the healer wolves of the pack, and are important to the packs survival. They must be advanced with healing, and herbs, and must have a heart for being a care-taker. Despite the name, the Doctor may be male or female. They are wise to all the locally growing herbs that can help heal an injured wolf, from painkillers to medicine that fights infection. 0/5 = Open

    Loyalist Doctor- Open: Must be Earned.

    Уøʊɳցşեɛɾş - The Youngsters are the younger wolves within the pack, any wolf under the age of 2 is considered one. They spend time being trained in the ways of the wild by an older wolf (most likely an Elder) before passing a small, yet important test at the age of 2. Wolves under 1 mostly get to play, although they learn wolf behaviours in this time. A wolf between 1 - 2 meanwhile focuses on one specific skill which they can take into rank with them. 0/As many as possibe. = Open


    As many as possible.

    ɲɛωƈσლɛɼş - The New Comers (or Rouges) are the wolves who joined the pack, and either has to post a bio on the site, or get accepted in RP. Every new member is placed here, until he/she posts a bio, and gets accepted in the RP. 0/As many as possible. = Open.


    As many as possible.

    ρąƈƙ Բɼïϵƞɖş - Members who are not full members of the pack.Unable to take part in RP but still allowed to participate in pack events on the site. This is the best option for users yet to reach the 20 post requirement or who simply would like to 'get to know' the pack. 0/As many as possible = Open


    As many as possible.

    ąլլίąɳƈɛ - In order to become an ally both packs (us and the ally) must have a button to become our ally. Because we don't have a button yet, we will not be accepting allies.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 14, 2024 1:59 pm